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Competitive feature analysis - translate insights into product improvements

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A competitive feature analysis helps you leverage insights from industry competitors to maintain relevance, adapt to market shifts and emerging trends, and find opportunities to enhance the user experience.

I've created these templates to help you not only collect the research but, more importantly, present your findings. As a principal designer with over 10 years of experience I've had these reports remarked as "one of the best and most useful competitive analyses I've seen" by a company CFO.

Why is this useful?

Identify strengths and weaknesses. Comparing your product's features to those of competitors allows you to identify where your product excels and where it may be lacking. This can guide product development efforts and prioritize improvements.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of your UX design. As you evaluate competing products, you will discover the advantages and disadvantages of your design choices. Understanding what you’re doing well — and what you’re not doing well — can help you build an action plan for improving your UX.

Opportunity for Innovation. This is a crucial part of discovery-phase research. Teams can use these insights to understand the competitive landscape and find opportunities.

Drive your design decisions with evidence. The insights you collect will give you clear evidence for your design decisions. Instead of taking chances when you make changes, you can move forward with an evidence-based approach and present to stakeholders with confidence.

Insights to solve usability issues. If you’ve been struggling with UX issues and are unsure how to solve them, analyzing your competitors can give you new ideas for solving the problems and providing a better experience for your customers.

What's included

Presentation template - Structure and share your findings in a way your stakeholders will understand so your research results in real impact (What I have seen is missing from other resources out there)

Spreadsheet template - Make your data collection easy

What's do you get?

  • Customisable Figma template
  • Copiable google sheets template

Who's this for?

ux designers, ui designers, product designers, ux researchers, product managers, app designers, web designers, ux researchers, freelance designers, mid, senior & lead levels designers

This template is created by UX Survival Guide. If you like UX /Product Design content follow me on tiktok. You can also find more resources here :)

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Professional presentation deck & template for insight collection

Figma, Google Sheets
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Competitive feature analysis - translate insights into product improvements

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